Online Degrees in Illinois

School Degrees Program Areas Admissions
sponsored programs

Illinois' Most Prominent Online Programs

Illinois can be a great place to engage in an online degree program. Throughout the entire state, students can find online degree programs at over 300 universities. Of these available programs, students can choose from some of the most widely chosen programs at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Online programs offered through this university include the RN to BSN program online and the Masters in Education. Depending on what interests you, you may find online degree programs in Illinois to suit your needs.

School Degrees Program Areas Admissions
Utica University Bachelor, Master, Doctorate 50+ Programs: Business, Criminal Justice, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Nursing, Social Work Website
University of West Alabama Bachelor, Master 70+ programs in Teaching Education, MBA, Psychology, Cybersecurity, Sports, Business and more. Website
Methodist University Bachelor, Master 20+ Programs: Business, Accounting, Computer Tech, Social Work, Psychology, Health Administration, More Website
University of West Florida Bachelor, Master 20+ Programs in healthcare, nursing, teaching, social work, STEM / Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and more. Website
Campbellsville University Associate, Bachelor, Master 80+ Programs: Business, Social Work, Nursing, Teaching, IT, Computer Science, More Website
sponsored programs

Growing Industries

Residents of the state of Illinois that are intrigued by growth and economic stability with their degree program should choose a career field that can grow as the years programs. Fields such as tech consulting, software development, and facilities support services could see significant growth in the years to come, based on the need for more innovative technologies and support people with public events and tourism. Before you choose a degree program, it is important to review the growth of your industry to ensure you can find plentiful work throughout the duration of your career.

Financial Aid Available to You

If you have ever been enrolled in an online degree program, you can probably recall the notice every year to fill out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA). This form can help you obtain access to federal grants and loans offered to students interested in obtaining a degree.

Some other financial support options for upcoming college students can be found in scholarships. Scholarships can be offered for different purposes, such as for excellence within a certain academic or recreational area, background and resilience, or even through a random choice process. You should research different agencies within your state that can provide you with the opportunity to apply for different scholarships.

How to Gain Access to In-State Tuition Prices

Online degree programs in Illinois can offer a wide variety of prices depending on the college and its location. As a student, you should always be looking for ways to make your experience a little less costly. If you are seeking online degree programs, you should first look for programs at universities within your state.

Some online degree programs provide the same flat-rate fee for all students regardless of location, but most schools you see are likely to have tuition listed as in-state and out-of-state. The in-state tuition can be your cheapest route to a collegiate experience.

All Colleges with Online Degrees in Illinois

School Online Programs
Adler University
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
American InterContinental University-Online
NCACSHLC Accredited
13 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Aurora University
NCACSHLC Accredited
10 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Benedictine University
NCACSHLC Accredited
19 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Black Hawk College
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Carl Sandburg College
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Chamberlain College of Nursing-Illinois
NCACSHLC Accredited
6 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Chicago State University
NCACSHLC Accredited
5 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Chicago Theological Seminary
CAATS Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Concordia University-Chicago
River Forest
NCACSHLC Accredited
29 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
DePaul University
NCACSHLC Accredited
11 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
DeVry University-Illinois
NCACSHLC Accredited
36 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Dominican University
River Forest
NCACSHLC Accredited
10 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Eastern Illinois University
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
Elmhurst College
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Erikson Institute
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Frontier Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
7 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Governors State University
University Park
NCACSHLC Accredited
8 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Greenville College
NCACSHLC Accredited
6 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Heartland Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
Highland Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
Illinois Central College
East Peoria
NCACSHLC Accredited
8 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Illinois Institute of Technology
NCACSHLC Accredited
17 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Illinois State University
NCACSHLC Accredited
5 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Illinois Wesleyan University
NCACSHLC Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
Institute for Clinical Social Work
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Doctorate
John A Logan College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
John Wood Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Judson University
NCACSHLC Accredited
14 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Kankakee Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
Kendall College
NCACSHLC Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
Knowledge Systems Institute
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Lake Forest Graduate School of Management
Lake Forest
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Lake Land College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
Lewis and Clark Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
Lewis University
NCACSHLC Accredited
17 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Lincoln Christian University
NCACSHLC Accredited
13 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Lincoln College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
Lincoln Land Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
14 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Lincoln Trail College
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Loyola University Chicago
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
MacMurray College
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
McHenry County College
Crystal Lake
NCACSHLC Accredited
10 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
McKendree University
NCACSHLC Accredited
15 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Methodist College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
Midstate College
NCACSHLC Accredited
13 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
Moody Bible Institute
NCACSHLC Accredited
5 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Morthland College
West Frankfort
TACCS Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
National Louis University
NCACSHLC Accredited
13 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
North Park University
NCACSHLC Accredited
5 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Northwestern College-Chicago Campus
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Northwestern College-Southwestern Campus
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Northwestern University
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Olivet Nazarene University
NCACSHLC Accredited
10 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Olney Central College
NCACSHLC Accredited
10 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Prince Institute-Great Lakes
ACICS Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
Prince Institute-Southeast
ACICS Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Quincy University
NCACSHLC Accredited
5 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Rasmussen College-Illinois
NCACSHLC Accredited
59 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
Richland Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Roosevelt University
NCACSHLC Accredited
8 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
North Chicago
NCACSHLC Accredited
10 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Rush University
NCACSHLC Accredited
7 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Saint Xavier University
NCACSHLC Accredited
6 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Sauk Valley Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
Shawnee Community College
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
South Suburban College
South Holland
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
Southeastern Illinois College
NCACSHLC Accredited
11 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale
NCACSHLC Accredited
13 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville
NCACSHLC Accredited
11 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Spoon River College
NCACSHLC Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
St. John's College-Department of Nursing
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
The John Marshall Law School
ABA Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
✓ Masters
Tribeca Flashpoint College
ACICS Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
✓ Bachelors
Trinity Christian College
Palos Heights
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
Trinity International University-Illinois
NCACSHLC Accredited
2 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
University of Chicago
NCACSHLC Accredited
1 online degrees offered:
University of Illinois at Chicago
NCACSHLC Accredited
6 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
University of Illinois at Springfield
NCACSHLC Accredited
27 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
NCACSHLC Accredited
25 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
University of Phoenix-Illinois
NCACSHLC Accredited
12 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
University of St Francis
NCACSHLC Accredited
25 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
✓ Doctorate
Wabash Valley College
Mount Carmel
NCACSHLC Accredited
3 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Waubonsee Community College
Sugar Grove
NCACSHLC Accredited
12 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates
Western Illinois University
NCACSHLC Accredited
7 online degrees offered:
✓ Bachelors
✓ Masters
William Rainey Harper College
NCACSHLC Accredited
4 online degrees offered:
✓ Associates

Search Online Colleges by State

There are over 2,500 colleges with online degrees in our database. Many students find that there are universities that offer their programs online, but are in their vicinity. The majority of students studying online actually chose a college that is close to them, or at least within their region. Simply click on the state of your choice to view all of the online colleges in your state.